We Give Because
He First Gave

Generosity Is Our Heart.
We live in the reality that Jesus laid his life down for us on the cross, and in response we offer to Him our time, our creativity and our resources.


Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.

In Person.

You can also give with Cash, Check, Debit or Credit on Sundays, either during the service or afterwards at the Guest Services desk.

Matched Giving for Heart For The House

Help us pay down the mortgage from the renovations of our Conference Hall. Funds will be matched one-to-one thanks to generous donors.

I'm curious about ______?

What are the ways I can give and the associated fees?

What payment types can I use for online giving?

I’m unable to come to church on Sunday and I would prefer not to give online, do you have envelopes available for me to mail in my tithe?

Where do I mail my donation to?