Names Of God

  • Ministry
  • Location
    Maple Ridge Campus
  • Date
    May 10 - Jun 28

Have you ever asked yourself the question “Who am I?” and “Who are you God?” You are not alone if you asked those questions. Moses asked similar questions 3500 years ago when He had an encounter with God in Exodus 3. “WHO AM I that I should go to Pharaoh... What shall I tell the children of Israel when they ask me who sent me, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? WHO ARE YOU GOD?” Calvin said, “We really don’t know who we are unless we first know who God is”.

The Names of God are an incredible gift and a revelation from God given to us by the Holy Spirit in the Holy Scriptures. The names of God are a representation of God’s true identity, His genuine character and His divine attributes.

We begin a new series on the “Names of God” at the CLA Maple Ridge campus starting Saturday May 10th at 10 am. Come and experience who God really is, what He is like and what does He do for us in the study of the names of God over the course of seven weeks as you grow in your trust and faith in God. David declares in Psalm 9:10, “Those who KNOW YOUR NAME they will put their trust in You, for You LORD have not forsaken those who seek you”.  Proverbs 18:10 tells us, “The NAME OF THE LORD is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and they are safe”.

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