
  • Ministry
    Everyone Welcome
  • Location
    Langley Campus
  • Date
    Feb 28- Mar 1

Right now, there are 5.5 billion people on earth who don’t know Jesus. If we truly believed He was coming and coming soon, what would we do to reach them? What would the global Church be willing to do? Could 2.5 billion Christians on earth be mobilized to share the Gospel?

Gather25 is not just another event or church conference. The mission is critical. The vision is bold. And the necessity is clear: it will take all of us to bring Gather25 to life.

Gather25 is the biggest group project that you will ever be a part of! We need leaders, ministries, and everyday people to make it happen. If this will truly be a gathering of the global Church, then that means we need YOU to be a part of it. Gather25 is big, but it’s also small: personal invitations to friends, sharing the vision with your pastors, and gathering our small communities wherever we are.

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