Word From The Pastor

Who Gives a Rip?

Who really cares about people who have been to the bottom of themselves and are looking for freedom and liberation from the darkness of addiction? Who? I am proud to say that CLA does. Thank you CLA for your support.

Who gives a rip?

Who really cares about people who have been to the bottom of themselves and are looking for freedom and liberation from the darkness of addiction? Who? I am proud to say that CLA does. Thank you CLA for your support.

If you are new to CLA then you might not know about the gathering that meets Sunday nights in the Conference Hall. Recovery Church (RC) started in 2009 as a powerful revival called ‘Freedom and Fire’ was happening at CLA. Every week God’s supernatural work continues in the lives of those who are connected to RC. These are not hyped churchy cliché words. Recovery Church’s amazing crew of volunteers are a witness to how God takes anyone at His word when they humbly surrender each area of their lives to Him. Weekly, we see God’s hand direct, heal, encourage, and spiritually support those walking through and out of addiction. We have family members of those in addiction, and those who lovingly come to build friendships, with some of the most courageous, goldy people I am privileged to know.

In the book of Acts there are 28 chapters and recorded in every chapter, except one, God supernaturally moves. In each chapter God’s intervention looks different. This is what I see taking place in RC. RC is much more than a once-a-week celebration service. Here are a few ways you can pray for us and let this also serve as a report of how God is moving.

RC VOLUNTEERS. The most compassionate crew weekly show up to build friendships with many who have lost trust with others and the church. These volunteers pray with, fellowship with, and have faith for those in the struggle. This is not just about Sunday, as many serve as mentors and encouragers. I love you RC volunteers. Sam Stanley (RC ministry assistant) and I can’t thank you enough. God works through the ministry of you just consistently showing up and being present. Your ministry is that of ‘presence’.

STREET OUTREACH. Every second Saturday we take the corner of Fraser Hwy and Glover and led by Garret C a group of 20+ people walk the back alleys inviting the homeless for coffee and soup, clothes, free haircuts, and conversation that lead so often to prayer and the offer of a Bible. RC also supports the ministry of ‘Nightshift’ weekly. Thanks Keri V.

RC LIFEGROUPS. We want RC to be more than a Sunday gathering of 150 people. Chad E is working closely with Pastor Rob in the formation of Life Groups. People in addiction never get free through shame or judgement. Life Groups will serve as another connecting point for spiritual growth and support.

UTURN 12 Step Program. This past semester on Wednesday nights we ran our U-Turn program for those in RC and beyond, which is a slight morph of the 12-step program. This last U-Turn we partnered with Wagner Hills Men’s Campus and saw 30 people graduate from the 17-week program.

MENTORING. Life starts to make sense when we give ourselves away and pour ourselves into others. Maybe you would be open under Glenn D’s coaching, to spend some time one on one with a person from RC and become a mentor? Let me know.

Thank you for praying for Recovery Church. We desperately seek your intercession and support. Please, we would also love for you to join us on a Sunday. Come for worship, powerful testimonies, and a word appropriate for the RC community. Come ‘on-site’ so you gain ‘insight’ on how to pray and see first-hand the way you CLA, supports Recovery. There is no other church in the Lower Mainland or in western Canada that offers church like this. I have a reverent holy fear about this ministry. God, continue to move in people’s lives and please, may we never get in the way of what you are doing.


Love you CLA
Pastor Doug