Word from the Pastor

Welcome To Summer CLA

This week (and really for many weeks) our CLA Kids spaces have been filled with pompoms, beads, popsicle sticks, prizes, and practically everything and anything needed for making a kid’s camp about celebration, come to life. You know what it’s like to plan a big party – now plan that for 500 kids! Let’s Celebrate! kicks off at Langley campus July 14 and in Maple Ridge July 25, and we need you to be praying for us.

Please pray for:

• Safety and a sense of belonging for every child attending.

• Connections to be made between children, parents and volunteers.

• Vibrant communication of Bible stories and clear application to everyday life.

• Spiritual transformation in the lives of children – salvations, deepening of faith, calling and purpose.

• Wisdom, clarity and health for every staff member and volunteer.

During the week the children will be celebrating familiar “Big Days” in our calendar year: Earth Day, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Easter and Canada Day. We’ll have a party every day, but what we’re truly celebrating is: God’s creation and plan for redemption; God’s love that overcame sin; God’s gift of Jesus the Saviour of the world; God’s sacrifice and resurrection power; God’s mission to tell the whole world that Jesus saves! These are worth celebrating.
Camp is a unique and precious opportunity to give a complete overview of the Good News to children. Those of you who have children attending camp this year, don’t miss out on conversations with your child at the lunch and dinner tables following each day of camp. We roll out the party, stir up questions in their hearts that gives you an opening to continue discipling your child. That’s the partnership we’re working for that will deepen your child’s relationship with Jesus. So, on day two, Valentine’s Day, could you have a valentine prepared that tells them how much you love them but also includes a verse of blessing for each one? Or when it’s Christmas in July, on day three can you extend the conversation about how God sent Jesus to be born as a baby, by pulling out some decorations to accent your family meal?  

Our memory verse for the week is John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”

You might have memorized this verse as a child. Now will you pray it with faith over all of us, as we finish our preparations and run two amazing weeks of camp? Let’s Celebrate!