Next week we launch our annual month of missions emphasis! This is an important part of CLA’s “DNA”. We are a people on a mission, Fraser Valley, Canada, and nations of the world. Last year we raised 1.3 million dollars together, sent a half dozen teams, and prayed for the people of earth to find their way to Jesus Christ. Each of us play a vital role in this “Great Commissioning”.
How? First, you are as Jesus said the “salt of the earth” and a “light on a hill”. You and I are ambassadors of Christ’s love, mercy and message. We represent Him in our homes, at work, in our church relationships and in our neighbourhoods. We witness through our love and good deeds. Some of us get to be Christ’s witness through a short-term mission or global assignment. Second, we pray. January has focused on prayer. Prayer is the avenue that God created for us to partner with Him in advancing the Kingdom of God. We pray “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done” for our lives and for our church’s mission. We pray for the 30 partners we have. We have prayer cards for you, please pick one up and put it in your Bible. Our partners are grateful for your intercession. Third, each of us need to give financially to fuel this God given assignment. Can you please consider what you might do personally in February towards our $200,000 goal?
This year’s theme is “We Are Missions”. At the heart of Christ’s Gospel is a call to action for each of us. This personal engagement releases our faith, extends the love of God, and helps us remain accountable to the broken and lost of our society. We Are Missions is a powerful reminder that our mission is not limited to distant lands and global causes (as important as those are). WE ARE MISSIONS is a reminder that our mission is a lifestyle and many of our partnerships are local. CLA embraces local food banks, addiction recovery, women’s support, refugee support, school programs, housing initiatives, and childcare. Everyday Sunbeam daycare / pre-school, Recovery Church, City Serve, English as a Second Language, Jenny Gaglardi Place & Sharon Village illustrate our local mission. This year’s theme reminds us that we are active participants in God’s mission, whether in our local community or across the globe.
My invitation is to come together with purpose, passion and a willing heart to be the sent ones this February. Join us on Sundays, through the special events in our congregations and campuses, and be prayerful with what God would have us “do”. Faith without action is dead. Together we can make a difference. Next weekend we begin our local focus on our partnerships with addiction recovery solutions. Join us!