Word From The Pastor

Good Theology Really Matters

Theologian Rikk W. Watts has a theory about Paul’s thorn in the flesh (2 Cor) that it was most likely not a physical ailment, but his thorn were the false teachers he found himself constantly rebuking in the church. Good doctrine and theology matter because they affect the how of our faith. One of the most prevalent false doctrines Paul addressed was a belief called Gnosticism, which believed that one's physical and spiritual person never meet and that even Jesus was only a ‘spiritual’ saviour.  In 2 John, the apostle called these false doctrine spreaders Antichrists. David J. Downs, in his book Alms, writes regarding the Gnostics that because they did not take Jesus's humanity seriously, they did not take their own physical humanity seriously and believed that the only redemptive aspect of life was the spiritual person. The result of this was that those early Christians, because the physical did not matter, never took care of nor gave to the impoverished, needy or neighbour. The Gnostics would see people in need as leeches, to use modern vocabulary. Paul publicly rebuked the Gnostics in Ephesus and in Corinth. I have often heard this expression in the church: "We only deal with spiritual matters.” Then, I guess we too are Gnostic, and if we were part of the first-century church, Paul would confront us, like he confronted the Corinthians, imploring them to keep the Mind, Body and Spirit together, as they affect one another. We are not just spiritual but also physical. Paul spoke up (1 Cor 6:19-20), saying, “The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so, also glorify God with your body.”

Good Theology affects our actions, and that is why CLA has school feeding programs, supports food banks, a recycled clothing store in Maple Ridge, and it’s why we opened Jennie Gaglardi Place. We love pastor Mandy and CityReach, who partners with humanitarian organizations across the lower mainland. Does salvation and the Gospel matter as the priority?Do not hear me incorrectly here CLA – 100%, and, because we believe in a full gospel, we also believe in Matthew 25:35-40 (you fed me, clothed me, visited in prison) AND, Matthew 28, the Great Commission, that calls us to “Go” with the Gospel that Jesus lived, died, rose again, and sent us the Spirit to bring ‘Zoe’ Born again life into our souls. We support both sides of this gospel reality as Jesus told us to “teach them all that I have commanded (Matt 28).”

CLA, this is why It is exciting to tell you that this year in Recovery Church, we saw over fifty people come to faith and had the chance to baptize ninety-nine people, and we will be baptizing more in the Fraser River on August 25th. And to add to this Matthew 28 vision, two times a month, our outreach team, led by Garrett Cahoon, walks every back ally and street in Langley’s downtown core to give the homeless and addicted some hope with food, clothing and information to help them get into amazing treatment facilities like Wagner Hills. Call this team – ‘Hope Dealers.’

Today, we are having a pulled pork sandwich fundraiser following the morning service. Your past support, including the sacrificial 7 K donation last year, has been instrumental in this ministry. We are deeply grateful for your love and generosity. The donations given today will go in their entirety to Recovery Church Outreach. Thank you for your continued support. See you outside right after church.