Word From The Pastor

Camp Ministry Matters

Summer is upon us, and when I think of that word, one thing stands out:


As someone who has been part of camp ministry for many years, it’s the highlight of my year. Why?

Because camp ministry matters!

Statistics show that young people who attend youth camps are more likely to maintain their faith into their young adult years.

I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact camp has had on countless lives over the years. It’s a time when students can step away from their daily routines and experience the life-changing work of Jesus in a setting where they are truly hungry for the presence of God.

At camp……

Students are saved and encounter the living God.

Students are set free from bondage and fear and leave marked by Jesus.

Students are called by God to do great things for His kingdom.

In just two weeks, Rev will head out to Camp Cowichan for the 19th year of Rev Camp! Our theme this year is "Ages."

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" (2 Corinthians 5:17)

This year, we celebrate and give thanks to God for everything He has done at Rev Camp over the past 19 years. We also look forward to what is to come. The past was great, but the future will be greater!

We have already seen record registration numbers, surpassing even last year’s camp, and the anticipation for this year has been amazing!

Please pray with us: Pray that students will have a transformative week, that

Jesus will replace a spirit of fear with a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind in every student.

We believe the best is yet to come. Salvations will take place, students will publicly declare their faith in Jesus through baptisms, they will be called into ministry, and they will receive fresh vision and passion for Jesus in their lives.

Lastly, thank you for your generosity over the past few months as we have fundraised for camp.

Our heart and vision for Rev Camp is that no student misses out due to finances, and we have been able to achieve that because of your faithful giving and generosity.