Word From The Pastor

Alpha: New Beginnings

For plants, January often brings dormancy, but for people, January often brings new beginnings. Remember the 1990s, when picture calendars were all the rage? Starting a new year meant starting a new calendar. New calendars represent new beginnings. Besides beginning a new calendar year, January provides us with other new beginnings. New resolutions are sworn, and new exercise clothes are worn. (Sadly, weeks later, many new resolutions are broken, and many new exercise clothes are forgotten).

Alpha is about new beginnings. Alpha, the beginning of the Greek alphabet, is the first of many more to come. Since it’s beginning, the Alpha Course itself has experienced a few new beginnings. In 1977, a course on the basics of Christian beliefs was birthed by Charles Marnham in Holy Trinity Brompton, London, England. In 1981, John Irvine brought another new beginning to Alpha when he formatted it into a 10-week course. In 1985, a new leader, Nicky Lee, began leading Alpha. But then, in 1990, Nicky Gumble took over the Alpha Course, rewriting and repositioning it for learners outside the church. Since then, Alpha has been translated into 112 languages, shown in over 100 countries by almost every Christian denomination. Newer versions of Alpha are frequently launched. Presently, two are for children (exploRE: The Christian Faith & exploRE: The Life of Jesus), one is for teens (Alpha Youth Series), and a few are for adults (Alpha Course, Alpha Film Series & Alpha Online). Without a doubt, the Alpha Course has become the most effective tool of evangelism in Christendom’s history.

Alpha – the beginning of the Greek alphabet. Greek – the language of the New Testament. The New Testament – the New Covenant from God to us. The Alpha Course brings new beginnings because it teaches the New Testament truths. Time and time again, like seeds falling on fertile soil, thanks to Alpha I have witnessed biblical truth take root and bloom into new life. It’s really that transformative!

Jesus knew what He was talking about when He promised, “Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop” (Mark 4:20 NIV). I’ve seen it often: the hardest of hearts begins an Alpha Course, and weeks later has a new heart. Do you want a new beginning? Do you know someone who needs a new beginning? Invite them to Alpha.